VA URAM SEDERE PLACUTA / HAVE A PLEASANT NAVIGATIONANTENTIE : Inchiriez spatiu pe acest site pentru bannere si anunturi publicitare .Preturi promotionale. terorytwluigi@yahoo.

               : Celor care doawnloadeaza fisiere torrente interne , sunteti rugati de echipa TERORENT sa nu opreasca torrentul dupa ce ati terminat doawnloadu , lasa ti sa doawnloadeze si ati de la voi.Multumiri anticipate!!!

ATTENTION: I rent space on this site for banners and commercials. Promotional prices. My e-mail:

                 :For those who download internal torrent files, you are asked by the TERORENT team not to stop the torrent after you finished downloading, let somebody else download from you, too. Thanks in advance!!!

 banner1.bmp (81150 bytes) TERORENT.bmp (534350 bytes)banner1.bmp (81150 bytes)

                                           Fii optimis pentru ca ai o viata si  merita traita , nu fii pesimist sa dai apa la dusmanii.

                                      Be optimistic because you have a life and it is worth living, don't be pesimistic to make emenies happy.                    


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                    ROMANA                                                                                                                   ENGLISH

Extrem de important

Datorita faptului ca legislatia anti-piraterie este marcata de ambiguitate si interpretari diverse, echipa TERORENT va atrage atentia asupra urmatoarelor :
1. Pe server nu este stocat niciun material ridicat pe site.
2. Niciun membru al echipei nu depoziteaza si nu comercializeaza filme, muzica, soft sau vreun alt produs care este supus protectiei de licenta.
3. Va recomandam sa nu multiplicati, sa nu comercializati sau sa stocati in exces materiale date jos de pe tracker.
4. Nu implicati TERORENT in traficul subteran (comercializare) cu produse aflate sub incidenta dreptului de autor si al licentelor.

Extremely important

Because of the fact that anti-piracy law is marked by ambiguity and different interpretations, TERORENT team will like to point out the following:

1. On the server, there isn't any material stocked from the site.
2. No membre of our team doesn't deposit and doesn't sell movies, music, software or any other product which is under the licence protection.

3. We recommend you not to interfere, not to sell or not to stock excesively the materials downloaded from the tracker.

4. Don't implicate TERORENT in underground traffic (selling) with products under the author right and licenses.






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